Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Give Thanks for a Reason

It's not just Mixonian, there's actually research out there indicating that grateful people are healthier and happier.

Robert Emmons, PhD, has even written a book on the subject: Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier. His research indicates that people who express and feel gratitude benefit on several fronts. They enjoy better health, stronger relationships, and success in the personal and professional goals.

In one study on gratitude published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the participants in the grateful group, wrote down 5 things each day for which they were grateful. The other groups wrote down their problems and another group noted all things that were affecting them. Not surprisingly, the grateful group experienced better health and more optimism about life in general than the other people in the study.

You can find more about these and other studies in Terri Trespicio's article, "Thank-you Therapy," published in the September issue of body + soul.

How amazing is it that the simple act of expressing gratitude is 1) free; 2) instantly accessible; and 3) universally available? No therapist needed.

Take a minute, if you haven't done so already today, and consider all the blessings in your life. Even with the situations that are annoying you, think about the valuable lesson in that situation that's waiting for you.

And even if you're not feeling particularly grateful for the mess you see right now, you can immediately feel better by say, switching the channel in your mind right now. Change your focus, change the emotion you're feeling. It's your choice.

Mixonian thanks you for reading this. Have a terrific Tuesday.