Thursday, October 23, 2008

Marketing Yourself Is Theatre, Too

In the age of email, supercomputer power on the desktop, the Internet, and the raucous global village, attentiveness--a token of human kindness--is the greatest gift we can give someone. Tom Peters, The Pursuit of WOW.

Continuing yesterday's theme of presenting to entertain, there is a parallel insight into leading marketing practices. PQ Media reports that "alternative media" (which means not radio, TV, billboards, or print) accounted for 16% of all marketing expenditures in 2007, double that for 2002 (Nov. Fast Company 136).

Now, what the heck does that mean for you? Not many Mixonian readers own their own advertising companies.

But you are your own marketing firm....fully responsible for marketing yourself. And now your growing creativity is more valuable than ever to help you experience those things that appeal to you in this life! Those who exploit their own personal creative force are the ones not being yanked down this drain of financial pessimism: they're too busy scripting their own mega epics: the story of their own lives.

Ponder these questions to maybe tweak your personal marketing strategy:

What is your most important message to the world?

Each person is a unique combination of preferences, perspectives, abilities, and desires. What's important to you?

How do you see your contribution?

Do you see your primary task as facilitating the success of your students or subordinates or children (or some combination of these)?

Before you get to the delivery of your message, you want to decide what the core message really is, probably showing appreciation to others - family, friends, co-workers, customers, suppliers -- is a key part of that message.

Given that almost every person on the planet is stressed out to the max (not Mixonian readers I hope),you can easily make a contribution by communicating your core message of care for others in small ways.

Here are some examples:

  • A message of encouragement on the back of your business card.

  • A note in your child's lunchbox.

  • Invite people to your home, even if it's potluck.

  • Get involved in exercise (or other health initiatives) with others.

  • Create a unique-to-your-company holiday and celebrate it.

  • On a virtual team? Celebrate someone's birthday remotely but together: ship party supplies (hat, confetti, invitation, balloons) to each member of the team and then share in the "virtual" craziness.

  • Add flourish to your resume: maybe your own personal symbol.

  • Buy a book of jokes and learn some of them.

  • Brainstorm with your team to come up with non-traditional marketing ideas.

  • Start writing your own blog.

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift to God. Julia Cameron