Thursday, May 14, 2009

Quick Start to Better Decision Making

Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself. --Cicero 

You may want to make sure the teenagers in the house don't see this blog post. It's about trusting yourself, and heaven knows we can't trust teenagers.

Well, actually teens, like the rest of us, tend to get into trouble when they depend too much on what other people (the bullies, the "cool" people) are pushing. Teens are just too immature to see that this peer pressure is simply the result of other people's fear-based agendas. We're way beyond that....right?

I used to ask 50 people what they thought I should do before making a decision.

Then I realized what the heck do they know about what's inside me?

It's easier and faster to correct what seems to be bad decision than to recuperate from indecision. 

The time when you want to seek advice is selecting a mentor. One person who's done what you want to do.

Another possibility is asking someone you trust to help you think through an issue. I do this with both of my sisters. (One of the two I adopted recently, my mom doesn't know her yet.)

BTW, I highly recommend seeing 17 Again. I think the adults get more out of it than Zac Ephron's fans do. It's about making decisions, appreciating people, and of course, a love story.