Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tale from a Newbie Dog Sitter

In case you're wondering who's the manly toy poodle in the above photo, it's Prince. We have approximately 2,948 photos of him, if you'd like to have your own copy, simply email Mixonian. :-)

Recently friends asked us to dog sit their white dog, I don't know which is his breed. He's kind of like a white Schnauzer. He is approximately the same height as Prince, but much heavier, and about 10 years older.

I thought it would be great for Prince to have a playmate while Webster's family was vacationing in Spain. Four days into dog sitting, nobody's made any friends.

Prince and Webster are so incredibly worried that the other is getting more than himself; they've made themselves sick and absolutely unbearable.

Both are fairly well trained (Webster more than Prince) and yet I had to clean up pee and poop all week-end. And throw up.

Not only is the other dog's food much tastier and better, the other dog's water is also of superior quality.

And certainly the other dog is getting more attention, or at least better quality attention.

Sharing toys is out of the question, even if there are far more toys than one dog can possibly play with at one time.

I'm having flashbacks to when my kids were toddlers.

Just imagine if we are like still that? Do we get so worried about not getting what we're entitled to that we can't enjoy all the good things around us?

When someone is ready to learn, the teacher always shows up. Sometimes the teacher has four legs, and sometimes two.